500ml 40% ABV

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Since 1989, Skyfire has been lighting up the skies of Canberra and after a five-year hiatus, Hit104.7 are proud to bring back an event that is dear to the hearts of Canberrans. But how do you bottle the essence of over 40,000 effects, 25,000 shooting comets and tens of thousands of people in one mouthful?


On the noble quest to try a salted caramel espresso martini at home, which has included the unfortunate purchase of some painfully undrinkable caramel vodkas, I stumbled across a number of 5 star reviews for Underground. Fueled with hope but limited optimism, I found and headed home with a bottle of your finest. What followed was one of the most joyfully surprising vodka experiences I’ve had. It lives up to the hype and then some. It’s smooth. Perfectly balanced with caramel. My friends, your caramel vodka has added life to my espresso martinis and saved my waistline because it also goes perfectly with soda. Your liquid gold I shall continue to recommend to anyone who’ll listen.Caramel Vodka - 5 stars. Thank you! -

a humble home cocktail appreciator